In Western Australia, asbestos visual clearance is required to ensure that areas where asbestos removal has occurred are safe for reoccupation and that all hazardous asbestos-containing materials have been completely removed. The Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations 2022 and Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos outline the need for visual clearance inspections, specifically for Class A (friable) asbestos removal.

Here’s why it’s important:

  • After asbestos removal, there may still be residual fibres or contaminated dust left behind. A visual clearance confirms that no visible asbestos remains, minimising the risk of exposure to harmful fibres.

  • In Western Australia, the law requires a competent person to inspect and confirm that the area is clear of asbestos before reoccupation. This is often referred to as clearance inspection and is necessary to comply with workplace health and safety regulations.

  • For Class A (friable) asbestos removal, the four-stage clearance process includes:

    • Preliminary inspection (ensuring all asbestos is removed).

    • Thorough visual inspection inside the enclosure.

    • Air monitoring (Phase Contrast Microscopy - PCM) to check fibre levels.

    • Final assessment and dismantling of the enclosure if results are within legal limits.

  • For Class B (Non-friable) asbestos removal, the three-stage clearance process includes:

    • Preliminary inspection (ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements).

    • Thorough visual inspection of the asbestos removal work area.

    • Final assessment (Post removal of signage, equipment and waste.

  • Asbestos fibres can remain airborne or settle on surfaces even after removal. A thorough Asbestos Visual Clearance and subsequent air monitoring help ensure that the space is free from asbestos contamination, thus protecting occupants and workers.

  • Asbestos removal contractors and property owners have a responsibility to ensure the area is safe. Asbestos Visual Clearance Inspections reduce the risk of legal issues, future liability, or health claims by ensuring the area is safe for reoccupation.

    In summary, an Asbestos Visual Clearance Inspection in Western Australia is essential for ensuring that any space previously contaminated by asbestos is free from any remaining fibres, compliant with safety regulations, and safe for reoccupation. It provides reassurance and compliance to both workers and occupants, ensuring a hazard-free environment.

    Would you like more information on the specific regulations for visual clearance or how it works in practice?

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